This product sheet is originally written in English. Please find below an automatic translation in French. If you have questions please contact us. Land rover range rover sport (L320). Economic or free delivery overnight delivery for an extra charge!
Fees may apply to other countries are, because we only ship free in the UK. Delivery the next working day available at extra cost (all orders received and paid before 14 hours will be shipped the same day) fees may vary by country of the buyer. For express delivery we use DHL only. As we can not make a new list for each room with the same specifications / part number, we need to make a list for each room with the same number. For this reason, we wish to inform you that you buy the main room and not the additional items above, they are not guaranteed, and the article may come `` naked '' - without hoses, connectors or additional son hanging on Photo. We are responsible and guarantee that you will also get the part - for example, if there is a pump / c, you get a pump a / c, but it can come without additional pipes shown in the image.Ditto for all other engine parts, electronic, interior and exterior. If you have questions about additional items in the room, please contact us and we will check and choose the item accordingly. If you do not contact us about it, you agree to get a bare room without pipes / son / brackets / connectors.
(Except Malta, Cyprus, the Balearic Islands). Please note that delivery the next business day or delivery outside the European Union unavailable for airbags, seat belts and bulky items, unless otherwise noted in the description of the article. The goods will be shipped with the funds released. Returns accepted for 30 days after the order. Items must be in the same condition as received.
The return costs are paid by the seller in case of an error on our part. If the buyer purchased a wrong item or bought something by mistake, or do we not ask about compatibility in cases where it is not clear whether the piece suit or not, the return costs are paid by the purchaser. If you have other questions.
We are at your disposal for any questions. We will get back to you within one business day. Let us positive feedback and rate us 5! If you had problems with your purchase, we are always here to help. The item \other\The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.